Well, it was a crazy week…got a call to appear on the fantastic show Sunday Brunch and make some edible tree decorations with Rim Lovejoy, Kelly Clarkson and Rhod Gilbert…..It was FUN! Very chaortic as always as I didnt have much time to prepare, but we busied ourselves in Fancy Nancy and made some edible decorations for a wreath and a tree from gingerbread and baby rich fruitcakes!! Everyone enjoyed having a go and got a little competitive I think! Rhod Gilbert was hilarious and made a version with a beret instead of the conventional Robins you might see, Tim was really into it and Kelly also loves baking. Check it out if you fancy having a watch on the Sunday Brunch 4oD site and you might fancy having a go yourself at making some tree decorations! Watch and learn….Jingle Bells!!

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